Bringing together
Our 3rd Mission: Bringing People Together
We need to bring patients, doctors and institutions together.
Acting together is acting stronger!
1. Bring patients together
The more members the organisation has, the more we will be taken into consideration.
There is much to be done and we need active members. So don’t hesitate to join our ranks!
Moreover, expert patients can bring an undeniable advantage when working together with neurologists.
2. Bring doctors together
To improve both the diagnostic delay and the quality of treatment, we need to make the disease better known among general practitioners, dentists, ENT specialists and ophthalmologists. A basic knowledge of the symptoms would allow them to quickly redirect patients to a specialised neurologist. Informing them of our existence in order to work with them is essential.
As for neurologists, too few are headache specialists and therefore lack knowledge, particularly regarding treatments (for example, oxygen is often forgotten about as a treatment for attacks). Here too we have our part to play by working jointly with them.
Finally, our organisation has a scientific committee made up of neurologists that specialise in headaches at our disposal:
3. Work with or within other institutions
To this end, OUCH Belgium is a member of the LUSS, Ligue des Usagers des Services de Santé (League of Users of Health Services). Cette asbl est une coupole regroupant de nombreuses associations de patients. Elle œuvre pour l’accès à des soins de santé de qualité pour tous et valorise la participation des usagers aux politiques de santé.
This non-profit organisation brings several patient associations together. It works for access to quality health care for all and promotes user involvement in health policies.
We are also a member of the BBC, Belgian Brain Council.
The BBC is an organisation that brings neuroscientists, psychiatrists, researchers, patient associations and pharmaceutical companies together.
OUCH Belgium is also a member of the EMHA, European Migraine and Headache Alliance, within which a sub-group, the CHSIG has been formed.
Finally, we are in regular contact with several neurologists who are members of the BHS, Belgian Headache Society.